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Consolidated getNullableCodec and getOptionCodec with their Zeroable counterparts and added more configurations

Namely, the prefix option can now be set to null and the fixed option was replaced with the noneValue option which can be set to "zeroes" for Zeroable codecs or a custom byte array for custom representations of none values. This means the getZeroableNullableCodec and getZeroableOptionCodec functions were removed in favor of the new options.

// Before.

// After.
getNullableCodec(getU16Codec(), { noneValue: 'zeroes', prefix: null });

Additionally, it is now possible to create nullable codecs that have no prefix nor noneValue. In this case, the existence of the nullable item is indicated by the presence of any remaining bytes left to decode.

const codec = getNullableCodec(getU16Codec(), { prefix: null });
codec.encode(42); // 0x2a00
codec.encode(null); // Encodes nothing.
codec.decode(new Uint8Array([42, 0])); // 42
codec.decode(new Uint8Array([])); // null

Also note that it is now possible for custom noneValue byte arrays to be of any length — previously, it had to match the fixed-size of the nullable item.

Here is a recap of all supported scenarios, using a u16 codec as an example:

encode(42) / encode(null)No noneValue (default)noneValue: "zeroes"Custom noneValue (0xff)
u8 prefix (default)0x012a00 / 0x000x012a00 / 0x0000000x012a00 / 0x00ff
Custom prefix (u16)0x01002a00 / 0x00000x01002a00 / 0x000000000x01002a00 / 0x0000ff
No prefix0x2a00 / 0x0x2a00 / 0x00000x2a00 / 0xff

Reciprocal changes were made with getOptionCodec.