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Configuring Extra Accounts

As mentioned previously, programs who implement the Transfer Hook interface can provide additional custom functionality to token transfers. However, this functionality may require additional accounts beyond those that exist in a transfer instruction (source, mint, destination, etc.).

Part of the Transfer Hook interface specification is the validation account - an account which stores configurations for additional accounts required by the transfer hook program.

The Validation Account

The validation account is a PDA off of the transfer hook program derived from the following seeds:

"extra-account-metas" + <mint-address>

As you can see, one validation account maps to one mint account. This means you can customize the additional required accounts on a per-mint basis!

The validation account stores configurations for extra accounts using Type-Length-Value (TLV) encoding:

  • Type: The instruction discriminator, in this case Execute
  • Length: The total length of the subsequent data buffer, in this case a u32
  • Data: The data itself, in this case containing the extra account configurations

When a transfer hook program seeks to deserialize extra account configurations from a validation account, it can find the 8-byte instruction discriminator for Execute, then read the length, then use that length to deserialize the data.

The data itself is a list of fixed-size configuration objects serialized into a byte slab. Because the entries are fixed-length, we can use a custom "slice" structure which divides the length by the fixed-length to determine the number of entries.

This custom slice structure is called a PodSlice and is part of the Solana Program Library's Pod library. The Pod library provides a handful of fixed-length types that implement the bytemuck Pod trait, as well as the PodSlice.

Another SPL library useful for Type-Length-Value encoded data is Type-Length-Value which is used extensively to manage TLV-encoded data structures.

Dynamic Account Resolution

When clients build a transfer instruction to the token program, they must ensure the instruction includes all required accounts, especially the extra required accounts you've specified in the validation account.

These additional accounts must be resolved, and another library used to pull off the resolution of additional accounts for transfer hooks is TLV Account Resolution.

Using the TLV Account Resolution library, transfer hook programs can empower dynamic account resolution of additional required accounts. This means that no particular client or program needs to know the specific accounts your transfer hook requires. Instead, they can be automatically resolved from the validation account's data.

In fact, the Transfer Hook interface offers helpers that perform this account resolution in the onchain and offchain modules of the Transfer Hook interface crate.

The account resolution is powered by the way configurations for additional accounts are stored, and how they can be used to derive actual Solana addresses and roles (signer, writeable, etc.) for accounts.

The ExtraAccountMeta Struct

A member of the TLV Account Resolution library, the ExtraAccountMeta struct allows account configurations to be serialized into a fixed-length data format of length 35 bytes.

pub struct ExtraAccountMeta {
/// Discriminator to tell whether this represents a standard
/// `AccountMeta` or a PDA
pub discriminator: u8,
/// This `address_config` field can either be the pubkey of the account
/// or the seeds used to derive the pubkey from provided inputs
pub address_config: [u8; 32],
/// Whether the account should sign
pub is_signer: PodBool,
/// Whether the account should be writable
pub is_writable: PodBool,

As the documentation on the struct conveys, an ExtraAccountMeta can store configurations for three types of accounts:

DiscriminatorAccount Type
0An account with a static address
1A PDA off of the transfer hook program itself
(1 << 7) + i A PDA off of another program, where i is that program's index in the accounts list

1 << 7 is the top bit of the u8, or 128. If the program you are deriving this PDA from is at index 9 of the accounts list for Execute, then the discriminator for this account configuration is 128 + 9 = 137. More on determining this index later.

Accounts With Static Addresses

Static-address additional accounts are straightforward to serialize with ExtraAccountMeta. The discriminator is simply 0 and the address_config is the 32-byte public key.

PDAs Off the Transfer Hook Program

You might be wondering: "how can I store all of my PDA seeds in only 32 bytes?". Well, you don't. Instead, you tell the account resolution functionality where to find the seeds you need.

To do this, the transfer hook program can use the Seed enum to describe their seeds and where to find them. With the exception of literals, these seed configurations comprise only a small handful of bytes.

The following types of seeds are supported by the Seed enum and can be used to create an address_config array of bytes.

  • Literal: The literal seed itself encoded to bytes
  • Instruction Data: A slice of the instruction data, denoted by the index (offset) and length of bytes to slice
  • AccountKey: The address of some account in the list as bytes, denoted by the index at which this account can be found in the accounts list
  • Account Data: A slice of an account's data, denoted by the account_index at which this account can be found in the accounts list, as well as the data_index (offset) and length of bytes to slice

Here's an example of packing a list of Seed entries into a 32-byte address_config:

let seed1 = Seed::Literal { bytes: vec![1; 8] };
let seed2 = Seed::InstructionData {
index: 0,
length: 4,
let seed3 = Seed::AccountKey { index: 0 };
let address_config: [u8; 32] = Seed::pack_into_address_config(
&[seed1, seed2, seed3]

PDAs Off Another Program

Storing configurations for seeds for an address that is a PDA off of another program is the same as above. However, the program whose address this account is a PDA off of must be present in the account list. Its index in the accounts list is required to build the proper discriminator, and thus resolve the proper PDA.

let program_index = 7;
let seeds = &[seed1, seed2, seed3];
let is_signer = false;
let is_writable = true;

let extra_meta = ExtraAccountMeta::new_external_pda_with_seeds(